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HCA 13/70 f.558r Annotate
First transcribed 11 January 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 558  +
Parent volume HCA 13/70  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 11/01/2015  +
Transcription upon the same and is well assured that menupon the same and is well assured that mending and doeing<br /> the repayers aforesayd for workemanshipp and materialls was well worth<br /> the summe of one hundred and twenty pounds sterling and soe much<br /> in this deponents Judgement the sayd Taylor well deserved for doeing the same<br /> And hee saith that while the premisses were soe doeing the sayd William<br /> hubberley did often come to oversee the sayd worke and desyred this<br /> deponent to be carefull that the same were well and effectually done And<br /> further (for that hee was not present at the Contract or bargaine made betwixt<br /> the sayd Tayler and hubberley touching the sayd repaires) hee cannot of his<br /> owne certaine knowledge depose, but saith hee verily beleeveth and<br /> is perswaded in his conscience that all the repayres aforesayd were done<br /> by the sayd Tayler at the instance and request of the sayd hubberley<br /> in behalfe of himselfe or his Owners of the sayd shipp./ To the 4th article of the sayd libell hee saith that in the yeares and<br /> moneths libellate the sayd Tayler did cause this deponent and other<br /> workemen imployed thereabout to take out some old three Inche plankes to<br /> a good quantitie (but how many foote hee remembreth not) out of<br /> the gerdling of the sayd shipp the ''Elsabeth'' and put in as many new<br /> three Inch planks in the roome thereof and alsoe to put in certayne new<br /> tymbers but how many hee remembreth not) and mende her rudder<br /> and grave her gerdling white, and sheath her to the water lyne and cauke<br /> her afore and afte within board and without all which repaires alsoe the<br /> sayd hubberley did dayly oversight and looke unto while the same<br /> was in doeing and hee beleeveth the same was alsoe done at the request<br /> of the saud hubberley in behalfe of himselfe and his owners of the<br /> sayd shipp, And that in his this deponents Judgement the sayd repaires<br /> in this deponents deposition to this 4th article specified were well worth forty<br /> five pounds sterling at least And further hee cannot depose hee<br /> not being present at any bargaine made betweene the sayd Tayler and<br /> hubberley touching the said repayers./ To the 5th hee cannot depose, knowing nothing touching the contents<br /> thereof./ To the 6th hee cannot depose./ To the 7th hee saith hee referreth himselfe to the Registrie of this<br /> Court and further hee cannot depose/ To the 8th hee saith hee beleeveth the sayd Tayler by the want of his money<br /> laid out about the repaires aforesayd to use in his trade is damnified but<br /> what value hee knoweth not and further hee cannot depose./ Repeated before doctor Godolphin/ the marke of the said<br /> Ashley '''AB''' Bracliffe/ [MARKE, RH SIDE]shley '''AB''' Bracliffe/ [MARKE, RH SIDE]  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0729.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0729.JPG|[[:HCA 13/70|HCA 13/70]] f.558r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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