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HCA 13/70 f.508v Annotate
First transcribed 17 January 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 508  +
Parent volume HCA 13/70  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 17/01/2015  +
Transcription To the 6th article of the sayd allegation To the 6th article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee well knoweth<br /> that by reason of the sayd shipp the ''Pilgrim'' her being driven on shoare<br /> heavie laden in manner aforesayd by the ''Exeter Marchant'' her falling fowle of<br /> her shee was very much wrunge and became very leaky and in order to<br /> findeing out and discovereing what dammage shee had thereby receaved hee<br /> knoweth that shee was put into one Mr Graves his dock a shipwright<br /> neere Lymehouse who upon search of her found that divers of her trumells<br /> were started about the wrung heads and alsoe many Trummells in the floore of<br /> the forepart of her started and drawne back, and her boltspritt and head broke<br /> the repayre of which dammages and hurt receaved in manner aforesayd<br /> did cast the arlate Bland and Company a very considerable<br /> summe of money but how much hee cannot estimate, the premisses he<br /> deposeth of his ownne sight and knowledge saving hee soe put into the sayd<br /> dock and her dammage viewed, and seeing them repayred and amended And<br /> further hee cannot depose/ To the 7th article hee saith that of his this deponents knowledge being Master of her<br /> the shipp ''Pilgrim'' before the tyme shee receaved the hurt and dammage<br /> predeposed of, was let out to freight by the moneth for twelve moneths certayne<br /> and eighteene uncertayne and well knoweth that at the tyme shee receaved the<br /> hurt aforesayd there were but only sixe or seaven moneths of the sayd<br /> twelve monethes ertayne expired, And further to this article hee cannot depose/ To the 8th hee saith that hee this deponent being Master and part<br /> Owner of the shipp the ''Pilgrim'' did since the dammage predeposed of happening<br /> in the behalfe of him selfe and the sayd Bland and Company the Owners of<br /> the sayd shipp require the arlate Woodfin to make satisfaction for the<br /> hurt and dammage rpredeposed done to the sayd shipp, and the sayd Woodfin answeres<br /> that what dammage he had done to the ''Pilgrim'' by his shipp the ''Exeter Merchant''<br /> falling fowle of her was occasioned by meanes of an other shipp<br /> to which the ''Exeter Merchant'' was fastned which shipps company as hee sayd<br /> cut the ''Exeter Merchants'' hawser and turned her on drift, and therefore hee<br /> expected to recover of the Master and Company of that shipp whatsoever charges<br /> and dammages hee this deponent should recover of him the sayd Woodfin<br /> and thereupon the sayd Woodfin denyed or at least delayed to make<br /> satisfaction for the sayd dammage And further referring him selfe to the<br /> Registrie of this Court hee cannot depose To the 9th hee saith hee beleeveth the arlate Woodfin is a subiect of this<br /> Commonwealth and subiect to the Jurisdiction of this Court and further cannot depose To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./ To the Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING] To the first hee saith hee cometh to testifie the turth in this cause by meanes if<br /> the producent and was and is Master of the ''Pilgrim'' aforesayd and is paid his wages<br /> for the voyage in question And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee<br /> cannot answere./ To the 2 hee saith hee hath heard that a master of a shipp to which the<br /> ''Exeter Merchant'' was fastned (but his name or the name of his shipp hee knoweth<br /> not) did cut or cause his Companye to Cutt or loose the hawser or fast of the<br /> ''Exeter Merchant'' where with shee was fastned to the sayd shipp and soe turned her<br /> a drift And further cannot answere saving hee beleeveth if the Master and<br /> Company of the ''Exeter Merchant'' had presently upon her being out loose dropped<br /> an Anchor, they might have avoided the driveing the ''Pilgrim'' on shoare./ To the 3 hee saith the tyme Interrogate the shipp ''Pilgrim'' ridd by<br /> anchor of her owne, which Anchor laye to the Northward, and saith<br /> theo the Northward, and saith<br /> the  +
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