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HCA 13/70 f.408v Annotate
First transcribed 1 December 2014  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 408  +
Parent volume HCA 13/70  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 01/12/2014  +
Transcription at all remember the quantities or qualitieat all remember the quantities or qualities thereof carried aboard<br /> a shipp then lying at the Barbadoes, whereof one Pensack was Master<br /> to be transported in the same for Virginia. And further cannot answer To the last hee saith hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition<br /> and further hee cannot depose./ Thomas: Hastler [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] ************************************ The 2d day of June 1655. [CENTRE HEADING] A busines of Ensurance on the}<br /> behalfe of John Steevens of Lee}<br /> in the County of Essex Mariner}<br /> concerning an Average susteyned in}<br /> the shipp ''London''.} '''Jacob Gray''' of Stepney in the<br /> County of Middlesex Master of the said<br /> shipp the ''London'', aged 38 yeares<br /> being sworne and examined before the worshippful Doctor Clarke one of the Judges he deposeth<br /> and answereth by vertue of his corporall oath<br /> as followeth videlicet. To the first and second Interrogatoryes in this behalfe administred<br /> he deposeth and saith that he the Respondent hath knowne the<br /> interrate shipp the ''London'' for these fourteene yeares last past<br /> and that he was Master of her in the moneth of September<br /> 1653 (she then being in the service of this Commonwealth against<br /> the Dutch then this Commonwealths enemeys) And that the<br /> sayd shipp being in the sayd month of September 1653 about<br /> 10 Leagues off from Yarmouth a more violent and tempestuous<br /> strome happned then he this Rendent ever hath seene or knowne<br /> (who hath bin a Seaman for two and twenty yeares past)<br /> and that the said most violent and tempestuous stormy weather<br /> continued about five or six dayes, and begann about the 7th or<br /> 8th of the said month. And he saith and answereth that<br /> onely and noe otherwise then by the said stormy weather the<br /> interrate shipp received her damage interrate in the hull, and<br /> that for the preservation of the said shipp and her Company they<br /> were forced (for otherwise they had perished) to cutt away<br /> three cables and anchors with the Boyes and Boy ropes, and<br /> the said shipp which their Ropes, Oares and other furniture were<br /> lost, and alsoe a Gunn called a brasse Basse with her appurtenances<br /> was strangely washt over board by the violence of the sayd storme<br /> And he answereth that the hull of the sayd shipp was much damaged<br /> but the value of what she was damnifyed, he saith he cannot<br /> certainly guesse at much lesse depose. but that the Anchors, Cables<br /> and oates and the brasse basse with her appurtenances that were<br /> lost by the onely occasion of the said tempestuous storme doth amount<br /> unto (of this Rendents certaine knowledge) about five hundred<br /> pounds And further he cannot depose Repeated before Doctor Clarke Jacob Gray [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] ******************************* On the same day. [CENTRE HEADING] '''2)''' '''William Lary''' of Lymehouse in the County of Middlesex<br /> Mariner where he hath lived about 30ty yeares past<br /> aged 57 yeares or thereabouts, a wittnes produced<br /> and sworne before the worshipfull Doctor Clarke one of the Judges<br /> of the high Court of Admiralty, and being examined<br /> deposeth and saith as followeth videlicet Tooseth and saith as followeth videlicet To  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0430.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0430.JPG|[[:HCA 13/70|HCA 13/70]] f.408v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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