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HCA 13/70 f.339v Annotate
First transcribed 9 January 2015  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 339  +
Parent volume HCA 13/70  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 09/01/2015  +
Transcription The 16th day of July <u>.1655:-</The 16th day of July <u>.1655:-</u> [CENTRE HEADING] George Swanley and Companie against certaine hogsheads}<br /> of Tobaccoe brought from Virginia and against George}<br /> Johnson for his interest in 34. hogsheads marked}<br /> and numbred as in the schedule annexed Suckley} Examined upon an Allegation<br /> given in by the said Suckley in<br /> the acts of Court upon the ninth<br /> of this instant July <u>1655.</u> and upon<br /> the schedule thereunto annexed '''Rp. EA.''' '''John Lee''' of Ratcliffe in the parish of<br /> Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner<br /> aged 26. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne<br /> and examined saith as followeth videlicet:-/ To the said Allegation and schedule annexed seene and perused<br /> by this examinate at the time of his examination hee saith and deposeth<br /> That hee this deponent was and went Boateswaine of the shipp the<br /> ''Providence'' allate the Voiage in question to Virginia, the allate<br /> George Swanley being Captaine or Commannder thereof, And saith<br /> That in or about the moneth of June the allate George Swanley<br /> having been at Virginia, as was there generally reported, had given order<br /> for the lading of certaine hogsheads of Tobaccoe aboard the said shipp<br /> ''Providence'' to be transported in her for his proper accompt to London, and<br /> that the said George Johnson being departed thence the allate david<br /> Schellick being the Merchant and employer of the said shipp the<br /> ''Providence'' did in the name and for the accompt of the said George<br /> Johnson lade and putt aboard the said shipp two and twentie hogsheads<br /> of tobaccoe marked '''GF''' being the first marke in the said schedule<br /> expressed, and 8. hogsheads of Tobaccoe of the second marke therein alose<br /> expressed being '''P4B''', And the said Schellick coming afterwards to depart<br /> this life at Virginia whilest the said shipp stayed there, his widdow at the<br /> request (as this deponent there credibly heard) of the said Johnsons Attorney<br /> at Virginia, sent aboard the said shipp to have a letter broken open which<br /> was aboard being a letter from the said George Johnson directed for Eng;and<br /> thereby to discover what goods the said Sellick had laden aboard for the<br /> said Johnsons accompt (the said Johnson being then absent and gone for<br /> New England) to the intent there might be no confusion in the<br /> interrese of the said Sellick and Johnson, and thereupon this deponent<br /> saw the opening of one of the said Johnsons letters wherein was inclosed<br /> a Note of particulars of such Tobaccoe as the said Johnson had<br /> aboard the said shipp, which note this deponent then and there observed to<br /> bee marked as in the margent thereof was and is sett downe this<br /> deponent upon upon the said thirtie hogsheads by him predeposed having seene and<br /> observed, and according to his office of Boateswaine entred the goods and<br /> markes predeposed into his Boateswaines booke, and saith that thereby<br /> and by the Confession of George hohner servant to the said Sellick<br /> (thervant to the said Sellick<br /> (the  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0292.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0292.JPG|[[:HCA 13/70|HCA 13/70]] f.339v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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