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HCA 13/68 f.602r Annotate
First transcribed 29 May 2016  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 602  +
Parent volume HCA 13/68  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 28/05/2016  +
Transcription The tenth day of ffebruary .<u>1653&The tenth day of ffebruary .<u>1653</u>. On the behalfe of Richard Bromwell}<br /> and Company touching the losse}<br /> of the ''Mary Bonadventure''.} Examined upon the sayd allegation '''Clements dt.''' '''3''' '''Richard Bromwell''' of Ipswich in Suffolke Marinner<br /> Captaine or Master of the sayd shipp the ''Marie''<br /> ''Bonadventure'' aged 37 yeares or thereabouts<br /> a witnes sworne and examined deposeth and saith<br /> as followeth videlicet. To the .1 and 2 articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that in<br /> the yeares 1652 and all and every the monethes therein and<br /> particularly in April May June July August September October<br /> November December January and ffebruary 1652 and for many<br /> yeares before and continually since he this deponent and Company<br /> to say Major Thomas Chamberlin John Smith Peter Talbot<br /> Beniamin Harrison, Jeremy Cole, Edmund<br /> Gibson John Harrison and others<br /> all English men were and att presnt are or ought to be the<br /> the (sic) lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the arlate shipp the ''Mary''<br /> ''Bonadventure'' and of her tackle apparell munition and furniture<br /> and for such were and are accounted, having built the same in the<br /> yeare 1643. and having continued in the quiet possession<br /> of her ever sithence till the seizure hereafter sett forth. And<br /> further saith that about the Month of Aprill 1652. the sayd shipp<br /> under Conduct of this deponent was by the sayd Owners imployed<br /> out to sea for a lading of east Countrey Commodityes to returne<br /> with the same for this Port of London. and accordingly did in<br /> persuance of the sayd voyage arrive safely att Dantzick about<br /> the end of May <u>1652</u>. and att Quuinsborough in June next following<br /> and there tooke in her lading now in question and therewith in or about the month<br /> of August then next ensueing arrived safely att Copen hagen<br /> in Denmarke under the Conduct of this deponent who went and<br /> was master of her, and thereby knoweth the premisses to be true<br /> And otherwise he saith he cannot depose. To the third article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that upon the<br /> arrivall of the sayd shipp att or neere Quinsborough and in the monthe<br /> of June 1652. Hee this deponent as master of the sayd<br /> shipp and factor forhimselfe and Mr Smith and Beniamin Harrison aforesaid two of his Common Owners did with their moneyes and for his owne and their<br /> accompt att Quinborough buy procure and<br /> lade aboard the sayd shipps (sic), the severall goods hereafter particu<br /> larly named, which were really worth and in England would<br /> have yeilded as this deponent conceyveth the severall rates prices or summes of sterling money<br /> hereafter likewise particularly specifyed that is to say xij<br /> Bundles of Rine hemp poiz 151 ''lb'' weight att xxxiiij ''s'' per Quarter<br /> is 307 ''li'' 14 ''s'' sterling. And Cxx small bundles of hemp of<br /> [?Poulavis] att xx ''s'' per peice is 50 ''li''. And 6 C of Clapboard<br /> att 6 ''li'' per C is .36 ''li'' sterling and one hundred of great Clapboards<br /> worthdred of great Clapboards<br /> worth  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_117_07_0763.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_117_07_0763.JPG|[[:HCA 13/68|HCA 13/68]] f.602r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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