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HCA 13/68 f.387v Annotate
First transcribed 15 November 2016  + , 15 November 2016  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 387  +
Parent volume HCA 13/68  +
Side Verso  +
Transcription Oiselle of Middleburgh, (of whom this depoOiselle of Middleburgh, (of whom this deponent bought the said shipp [?as ?aforesaid]<br /> and that by Vertue of<br /> a letter of Credit which this deponent had brought along<br /> with him from the said ffrancis Sloyer from Hamborough, which said<br /> monies the said ffrancis Sloyer and this deponent caused to be repaid unto the<br /> said Oiselle his Correspondent at Hamburgh, And otherwise negatively<br /> referring himselfe to his foregoing deposition. To the 5:th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition saying hee dod not<br /> bring the said monies along with him from Hamburgh, and saith That since<br /> the buying of the said shipp this deponent went to Hamburgh, and there was infor<br /> med that the 6000 gilders [?for] the said shipp were by the said francis Sloyer<br /> paid in the bancke at Hamborough with his owne proper monies, the third<br /> part of which moneys, this deponent caused to be repayd unto the said ffrancis<br /> Sloyer out of this deponents owne moneys, which hee had in and caused to be<br /> payd him by the hands of one John Joachim Vlacht a Burgher and Merchant<br /> of Hamborough, who also paid this deponents third part of the 4500<br /> gilders aforesaid unto the said ffrancis Sloyer./: To the 6:th hee saith hee was and bought the said shipp at Middleburgh<br /> in March last past, but saith the said ffrancis Sloyer was not then there To the 7:th hee saith, That hee this deponent drew all the monies predeposed<br /> by bills of exchange and by letter of Creditt upon ffrancis Sloyer aforesaid, who ordered<br /> the payment thereof, but this deponent was not personally present at the [?paying]<br /> of the monies upon the said bills And otherwise cannot depose: To the hee saith hee this deponent had no direction in writing but onely<br /> by word of mouth from the said francis Sloyer to goe to Middleburgh to<br /> buy a shipp, as accordingly this deponent did./ To the 9:th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoingd eposition, And otherwise<br /> saving his said deposition, negatively:-/ To the 10:th hee saith hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition wherein<br /> he hath satisfied as much as hee can to the demannds of this Interrogatory<br /> And otherwise negatively:-/ To the 11:th hee saith hee this deponent caused all the shott that were made by the<br /> said shipp in the fight interrate between the said french shipps and English Frigat to be under the Hamburgh Colours and had<br /> then no other but them on board, and saith that the other shipps had french<br /> Colours uner which they fought, and the said ''Saphire frigat'' the Colours of this<br /> Commonwealth. To the 12:th hee saith, the said shipp the ''three Kings'' after shee was [?gotten]<br /> cleare of the ffrench shipps aforesaid, did not give any assistance to the<br /> said ''Saphire frigatt''./ Jochim Bene [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]gatt''./ Jochim Bene [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_117_07_0332.jpg|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_117_07_0332.jpg|[[:HCA 13/68|HCA 13/68]] f.387v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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