HCA 13/70 f.472r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.472r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the tenth article, he deposeth and saith That the producent
did impart and communicate unto this deponent a Letter from
the aforenamed Le Baud and De La fitt, that the arlate
shipp the hare in the feild was sett sayle from haverdegrace
for Cadiz and that afterwards he the deponent did first
heare the newes upon the Exchange of the shipps being taken by some of the
shipps belonging to this Commonwealth, And further he
cannot depose.

To the seaventh article he deposeth and saith That the
arlate Melchior Aranguren is a Spaniard borne in
Biscay, and speaketh not other languages then Spanish
and Biscayen, and is a Subiect to the king of Spayne,
And that of this deponents knowledge he the sayd Aranguren
hath resided here in London in the Nature and condition
of a Merchant for above fower yeares last
past And further he cannot depose.

To the last he saith his former deposition is true./

Thonas de Guzman [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

To the Interrogatoryes ministred on the behalfe
of his highnes, the Lord Protector [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he never saw the
shipp interrate, that he was borne at Saint Lucar in Spayne
that he hath lived here in London nigh 8 yeares as a
Merchant, And to the rest he answereth negatively.

To the second Interrogatory he answereth that he hath knowne the
interrate Melchior Aranguren here in London for above
fower yeares last past very intimately, and that he is a Spaniard
borne in the Province of Biscay, and that before that
time of the said Arangurens comming over hither he this
REndent knew him not, And that he hath knowne the
interrate Bertram de Baud and Mathew de La fitt for
about three yeares last past by the way of correspondency
to have lived at Roane in fffrannce, but he saith he knoweth
not what Countrymen they are by birth And further he
knoweth not to answeare./

To the third Interrogatory he answereth that he being here in
London when the 8 bailes of Linnen interrate were bought
beyond sea he knoweth not how to satisfy the particulars
of this Interrogatory, Saving that he answereth for the reasons
by him predeposed he beleiveth that the sayd Bertram de
Baud and Mathew de La fitt or one of them did buy
the said Linnens really for and upon the account of him the
said Aranguren the producent, and not for any
Subiect of the ffrench king And otherwise he cannot

To the fourth Interrogatory he cannot answeare, being here
at London when the passages and things interrate
were transported and done beyond the sea
