HCA 13/70 f.702v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/70 f.702v.

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HCA 13/70 f.702v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


upon the coast of Norway met with another very greate and violent
storme (the winde being west Nor west and blowing hard) by meanes
whereof the saud shipp was againe much endangered to be cast away, and
her fore castle, cabbin and round house were over flowne and full
of water, and the said shipp by meanes of the force of the
said storme not being able to get into any harbour on the coast of
Norway, was driven upon the coast of Jutland, where severall
shipps and vessells were cast away by the same storme, to the number (as it was
commonly reported on that coast) of an hunded and twenty. And saith that
there with much adoe, the said shipp the Saint Jacob came to an anchor
on the third (or thereabouts) of the said moneth of October, and there
ridd till towards evening, at which time her company got up her
anchor, and bearing a very prest saile, shee was on or about
the fifth of the same moneth driven back the coast of Norway, all which hee
knoweth being in her, and seeing the same soe donne.

To the third hee saith that on or about the twentieth of the said
moneth of October last, the said shipp set saile from Norway for this
port of London, and in her course comming neere the dogger-sand
shee there met with another very violent storme and tempesy which
continued about six dayes and nights space without intermission
with the winde at West South west, by occasion of which storme
the rudder of the said shipp became loose, and hung but by one hooke
and was in greate danger to be lost, and the cabbin and deck of the
said vessell were filled with sea water which came therein by the
force of the said storme, by meanes of the extremitie and duration
whereof the master and company of the said shipp were constrained
to use and did really use their utmost endeavour for the oreservation
both of the said shipp and goods and their owne lives. And saith that
the said storme forced the said shipp back againe to Norway, where shee
was constrained (by reason of contrary windes) forced to remaine about
three weekes space, during which space her master and company
repaired her said rudder, all which hee knoweth for the reasons
aforesaid being present and seeing the same soe happen and to be soe

To the sfourth article hee saith and deposeth that on or about the tenth
of November last the said shipp againe set saile from Norwaay and
againe comming in her course for London neere the dogger sands
there happened another greate and violent storme which continued for the
space of eight dayes or thereabouts with the winde at West South west
(or neare that point) with such violence and tempetuousnesse that the
maine saile of the said shipp was by the force thereof torne in peeces


Secondary sources
