HCA 13/71 f.514v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.514v.

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The 20th of January 1656. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the aforesayd allegation

XX 2

Simon Peterson of Hambourough Purser of the said shipp the
Peter, aged 23 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined

To the first and second articles of the said allegation and the schedule
annexed nowe showed unto him, hee saith and deposeth that in or about
the moneth of September 1653, the said shipp the Peter with her
lading of clapboards, flax and tallowe, were by aprivate man of
warr named John Welch and company in a shipp called the Mary, and
seized and carried into the River humber, and while hee was there
kept out of command (which was about afortnight thense) there came
severall boates (there called Keeles) aboard her somtimes by night and
somtimes by day, to fetch away and did fetch away severall of her
goods, this deponent being part thereof so taken into them and carried
away, not with standing that which of welches men as were put into her
with swords and pistells found this deponents and others of the Peters
company that were left in her to run from place to place in the shipp
to be out of the way that they might not be such embeazeling of the
said goods. and saith the said boates and ˹the˺ said welches men (only their
order or conviense) to be and embeazeled and carried away from the
said shipp the Peter all and singular the merchandize goods, rechage
sailes, ammuntion, victualls, and clothes mentioned in the said schedule,

and that

albeit Chult to for Peterson the master (after the said shipp an goods
were ordered by ths Court to be returned) came to hull where the said
shipp then was and endeavoured to get and did receave severall of
the clapboards and other things, her of eighteen hundred weight
of flax that was in her at the seizure ˹and was taken away˺ hee sent receave but six
twelve hundred weight or thereabouts, and of twelve hundred of clapboards
that were taken away, hee receaved but six hundred or thereabouts back
againe, the rest being detained and wanting together with all the said
goods schedulated. All which hee knoweth being one of her company and
Purser of her and left in her upon the seizure and comming in her
to the said time of her release by this Court. and otherwise hee cannot

To the interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee had as thense there as the flax and tallow
with the shipper and other of the company, and is to harn share at the flax and
tallowe so taken away, if it be receaved, the tallowe being all taken
away. and saith that Peter Old and Albert Schull were coulth TO DO: XXXXXX
the interrogatorie wilkin wreselu, and otherwise being as aforesaid hee answereth TO DO: XXX

To the second hee sawe the clapboards told at kegin where the same were
laden, and some told what was receaved at hull as aforesaid, this TO DO: depXXXX
telling the place himselfe hee being purser of the Peter. and otherwise TO DO: hee
cannot answer, saving as aforesaid.

To the 3 negatively saving as aforesayd.

To the 4 hee saith the said master of the Peter tooke a note which is backe
of the particular wanting, whense this deponent tooke a trayseigh, and
saith the said skipper had at inventary of the said shipp XppXXX certaine TO DO: before
the seizure and otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the last hee saith hee XXX wicts and waXX written had and TO DO: SXXXX
and too be notice of all the goods aboard and of what was as aforesaid embeazeled
and wanting, referring himselfe to this foregoeing deposition.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin

Simon Peterson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner