HCA 30/636 Project Home Page

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Revision as of 12:22, October 14, 2021 by ColinGreenstreet (Talk | contribs) (Expressions of interest)

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This page is the home page for volunteers working on HCA 30/636/ materials


Are you interested in a startup collaborative online project to look at, partially transcribe and understand three ship account books from the 1620s and 1630s? You have come to the right place. Marine Lives is launching a new project and is seeking volunteer collaborators. This will be a project about co-creation of a public resource, which will be published on the Marine Lives wiki and made available to all - public and academic historians alike (and those just intrigued by our past).

HCA 30/636 document category

HCA 30/636 is a document category which has been created to cover certain papers generated by the Prize Court jurisdiction of the English High Court of Admiralty papers. It contains nine sub-references. We have imaged all the documents within HCA 30/636 and will be making these available to volunteer collaborators online. Documents include three beautifully leather bound account books of various sizes, further paper bound account books, a letter copy book of letters written from on board ship, and various miscellaneous accounting documents relating to multiple voyages. In all we have over one thousand images.

HCA 30/636 in all its glory, just waiting for some collaborative work by volunteers

Project description

We are in start up mode. Our current thinking is to make the images available on DropBox or OneDrive and to use this MarineLives wiki as our collaboration platform - to share ideas, to provide support, and to be the vehicle to publish our transcriptions and synthesis. But we are open to your ideas about how to organise this project and nothing will be finalised until we have our team in place. You can get up to speed on our thinking by reading this Twitter Thread.

We have had expressions of interest from people from many places - Mexico, Michigan, Texas, London, Newcastle to list a few - which is perfect given the virtual nature of our project and the broad geographic scope of the papers which include multiple voyages from England to the West Indies, the Mediterranean and to Northern Europe.

This is going to be a very relaxed project running through to the middle of 2022 in which people are welcome to dip in and out, and to do as little or as much as they have time and interest for.

Project launch

We will be sending out an email to everyone who has expressed this interest this weekend (Saturday, October 16th 2021), and will invite people in that email to take a look at some sample images and to tell us about their research interests, skills and ideas for this project.

HCA 30/636/ Letter copy book from on board the ship the Abraham

Expressions of interest

As of Thursday, October 14th 2021, 10.30 am. GMT we have received twenty-three expressions of interest from:

Dr Richard Blakemore
Dr Michael Bennett (consultant to project)
Holly Brewer
Zachary Copin
Amanda Ap Ennion
Dr Ian Friel
Jamie Gemmell
Peter Good
Megan Johnston
Sarah Mah
Jools Parker
Michael Powell-Davies
Emily Rendek
Dr Lou Roper
Benjamin Slade
Dr Tabitha Stanmore
Katherine Stephen
Jane E. Tomlinson
Mehmet Tutuncu
Twitter handle: Vampire, Ph.Die
Twitter handle: Professor M. Walton
Jen Waghorn

To access sub-pages click the relevant link below:

HCA 30/636/1
HCA 30/636/2
HCA 30/636/3
HCA 30/636/4
HCA 30/636/5
HCA 30/636/6
HCA 30/636/7
HCA 30/636/8
HCA 30/636/9