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Line 64: Line 64:
Claeson were there under restraint (being detained
Claeson were there under restraint (being detained
by the Spaniards) and that there vessells, (which under the
by the Spaniards) and that there vessells, (which under the
said masters retourned from TErtoudas in or about ffebruary
said masters retourned from Tertoudas in or about ffebruary
next following their said coming thither from Santa domingo)
next following their said coming thither from Santa domingo)
were taken from them, and that they were frustrated of the
were taken from them, and that they were frustrated of the

Revision as of 20:17, November 17, 2013

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To the tenth hee saith that seeing a vessell (that afterwards
proved to be the maidstone frigot) stand with the Nicholas, and
not knowing what shee was, the Captaine and company of the
Nicholas opened their ports and fitted their guns to stand upon
their defence, not knowing but the said vessell might be
a turke, but when they perceived her to be an English frigot
they neither endeavoured or [?intended] any resistance, and
saith hee did not heare any such answer as is interrogated
made upon the haling of the said shipp Nicholas, and
further negatively.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin

[?bauert ClaesX ?friedijck] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The nineth of Aprill 1658.

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.

Rp. 3.

John Morris of the parish of Saint Martins in
the feilds Gentleman aged 34 yeares or thereabouts
(living at the sugar loafe in Longe Acre) sworne
and examined saith as followeth, videliect.

To the third article hee saith that in or about the end of the
moneth of december 1653 (old stile) hee this deponent being
at the Iland of Tertoadas arlate saw the arivall there of
certaine vessells brought by the Spaniards from Santa domingo
upon a designe to take the said Iland of Tertoadas which
(was then under the ffrench) and the Spaniards prevailed in
such their enterprize, and saith that amongst the said vessells
there were two that were dutch, whereof one was comanded
by the arlate Claes Johnson and the other by the allegate
Barent Claeson the brother of the said Claes, whom this
deponent saw there and saw them afterwards at Santa domingo
and thereby came to knowe them, but saith hee doth
not knowe the names of the said two dutch shipps, but knoweth
that there were souldiers transported in them for the Spaniards
service to Tertoudas in the said expedition. And this deponent
saith that hee was after the said taking of the said Iland by
the Spanairds kept prizoner by them there almost a twelveeee [?moneth GUTTER]
and then being carried to Santa domingo hee there found that
the said two dutch Commanders Claes Johnson and Barent
Claeson were there under restraint (being detained
by the Spaniards) and that there vessells, (which under the
said masters retourned from Tertoudas in or about ffebruary
next following their said coming thither from Santa domingo)
were taken from them, and that they were frustrated of the
performance of the promise of the Governour of Santa domingo
who (as it was commonly said both there and at Tortuadas
had upon his imploying them upon the said designe permitted
them that upon their retourne from Tertoudas they should
have leave to lade the retourne of the Negros that they had