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ITEM I give to the poore of the parish of S:t Dunstans aforesaid five poundes to bee distributed amongst them at the discretion of the Churchwardens there for the  time being
ITEM I give to the poore of the parish of S:t Dunstans aforesaid five poundes to bee distributed amongst them at the discretion of the Churchwardens there for the  time being
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Servant James Williamson the sume  of Thirty pounds of lawfull money of England To my Servant Abraham Bush<ref>Abraham Bush was a subscriber to the ''Smirna venture Joint Stock'' in 1653</ref> twenty pounds in mony To my Servant James ?XX?ortes ten pounds And to every of my mayd servants that shalbee in my service at the time of my decease the Summe of Three pounds a peece in money
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Servant James Williamson the sume  of Thirty pounds of lawfull money of England To my Servant Abraham Bush<ref>Abraham Bush was a subscriber to the ''Smirna Venture Joint Stock'' in 1653</ref> twenty pounds in mony To my Servant James ?XX?ortes ten pounds And to every of my mayd servants that shalbee in my service at the time of my decease the Summe of Three pounds a peece in money
ITEM I give to my cozen Asxxxx Regimort Twenty poundes in money  And to his Brother William Regimort my Godsonne Thirtie poundes to bee paid him at his age of twentie and one yeares  And to my godsonne William Boeve twentie poundes to bee paid him at his age of Twentie and one yeares
ITEM I give to my cozen Asxxxx Regimort Twenty poundes in money  And to his Brother William Regimort my Godsonne Thirtie poundes to bee paid him at his age of twentie and one yeares  And to my godsonne William Boeve twentie poundes to bee paid him at his age of Twentie and one yeares
Line 82: Line 82:
===EEIC, 1644-1649===
Richard Batson was involved with East Indies trade as well as with the West Indies. In 1649 his name was included on a letter addressed to the Governor and Committees for the Fourth Joint Stock. The complete list of names was: "John Robinson, Nicholas Corsellis, William Pennoyer, Thomas Hall, Robert Thompson, Samuel Pennoyer, William Harris, Richard Batson, Michael Davison, William Thomson, John Woods, Martin Noell, Cornelius Mounteney, James Houbolon, John Casier, Adam Laurence, Hugh Norris, William Boene [CSG: I suspect this is an error for William Boeve], Thomas Harris, and Ahasuerus Regemont"<ref>'A Meeting of the Committees for the Second General Voyage, August 17, 1649' (Court Book vol. xxii, p. 97) in [http://www.archive.org/stream/calendarofcourtm00eastrich#page/342/mode/2up Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of the court minutes of the East India Company, 1644-1649 (Oxford, 1912), pp. 342-343]</ref>
- Four of these twenty names are of apparent Dutch or French Huegenott origin (Corsellis Regemont, Houbolon, Boeve,
===EEIC 1650-1654==
"Nicholas Corsellis transfers to Maurice Thomson 600/. adventure and profits in the Second General Voyage and William Bovey transfers to Natahn Wright 500/. adventure and profits in the same."<ref>'A Court of Committees for the Fourth Joint Stock, March 8, 1650' (''Court Book''. vol. xx. p. 502), in [http://www.archive.org/stream/courtcalendar00eastrich#page/26/mode/2up Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1650-1654 (Oxford, 1913?, pp. 27-28]</ref>

Revision as of 08:26, February 12, 2012

William Boeve will

Editorial history

24/11/11, CSG: Partial transcription added to wiki

Abstract & context

William Boeve was a member of the Dutch church of London.

William Boeve's wife Ann was the sister of Luke and Jacob Lucie, who were also of the Dutch church of London.

In his will, written in 1661, William Boeve mentions two servants (apprentices), one of them being Abraham Bush. An Abraham Bush had been a subscriber to the SVJS in the mid 1650s, so it is possible that Boeve is referring to Abraham in the sense of formerly being a servant. Alternatively, this Abraham may have been a son of an eponymous father.

Suggested links

See Jacob Lucie will
See Luke Lucie will

To do

(1) Complete this transcription


This transcription needs to be completed and corrected

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the ffifteenth of June Anno Domini One Thousand six hundred and sixty one And in the nienteenth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of god King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland Defender of the faith xr I William Boeve of the parish of S:t Dunstan in the East London Merchant being somewhat sick and weak in body but of sound and pfect mind and memory praised bee Almighty God And XXXX to mind the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX will and Testament in manner and forme followinge that is to say

FFIRST and principally I commend my soule into the hands of Almightie God that gave it And my body given XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and God by and through the precious death and xxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxx alone meritts and Redeemer

And touching xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


I dispose thereof as followeth that is to say I give and bequeath unto the poore of the Dutch congregation London One hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to bee paid and delivered into the hands of the Deacons of the said Church for the time being to remaine and continue as a stocke for the use and benefitt of the said poore

ITEM I give and bequeath to the said Dutch Church the like summe of One hundred pounds to bee and remaine for and towards a Stocke for the better maintenance of a ?nye Ministry there for ever

ITEM I give to each and every of the Ministers of the said Dutch Church that shalbe there at the time of my death the summe of Tenne pounds a peice in money

ITEM I give to the poore of the parish of S:t Dunstans aforesaid five poundes to bee distributed amongst them at the discretion of the Churchwardens there for the time being

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Servant James Williamson the sume of Thirty pounds of lawfull money of England To my Servant Abraham Bush[1] twenty pounds in mony To my Servant James ?XX?ortes ten pounds And to every of my mayd servants that shalbee in my service at the time of my decease the Summe of Three pounds a peece in money

ITEM I give to my cozen Asxxxx Regimort Twenty poundes in money And to his Brother William Regimort my Godsonne Thirtie poundes to bee paid him at his age of twentie and one yeares And to my godsonne William Boeve twentie poundes to bee paid him at his age of Twentie and one yeares

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my sisters Elizabeth Eliz:th ?Bery Thirtie poundes to bee paid to her xxxxxx and to her every use within twelve monthes next after my decease

ITEM I give to her two daughters Elizabeth Bery and Mary Bery twentie poundes a peice in money to bee paid to them severally at their respective ages of Twenty and one yeares or dayes of marriage first happening respectively And in case either of them happen to dye before such age or marriage as aforesaid Then I give and devise the part and share of the deceased unto the Survivor of them

ITEM I give to my loveinge freind William ?Aldington (OR, ?Allington) tenne poundes in money And to my freind Emanuel Thomas six poundes And to his brother John Thomas five poundes for remembrance of me And to wife Margaret five poundes in money

ITEM I give to my grandchildren Marie Judith and Elizabeth Bennett Children of my daughter Judith Bennett two hundred poundes a peece in money to bee paid to them severally at their respective age of Twentie and one yeares or dayes of marriage first happening respectively And in case any of them shal happen to depart this life before such age or marriage as aforesaid Then I will the Legacie of the said deceased to come to the Surivours and Survivour of them And for that I have already fully xxxxed my said daughter Judith in marriage with Lxxxx Bennett Esquire xx given with her a ffull and competent prton I therefore xxx give unto her my said daughter Judith the summe of One hundred poundes of lawfull money of England and noe more (other than and except what my accrue unto her and hers by the deathof my other children as hereafter in this my will so mentioned.

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Boeve ffower thousand poundes of lawfull money of England to bee paid her at her age of Twentie and one yeares or day of marriage first happening And in case shee shall happen to depart this life before such age or marriage as aforesaid Then I give her said porconunto my Sonne John Boeve to his everie use The Rest and Residue of all and singular my goods chattells money XXX XXXX and personall estate whatsoever the debts sss sxxx beinge by me herein given or bequeathed being xxxx first satisfied xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I will and appoint shall bee xxxx ?rated and appraised and devided into three equall parts and XXX whereof one part or xxx Anne Boeve to her XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I give and bequeath mysaid Sonne John Boeve to his owne use to bee paid


Him at his age of Twentie and one yeares And my further will and mind is That in case my said daughter Mary shall happen to depart this life before such age or marriage as aforesaid And my said Sonne John alsoe to dye before the attainement of his said age of twenty and one yeares Then the Legacie and porcon of my said Sonne and daughter I devise and give in this manner the whole in twoe equall parts being devided Thone moyety thereof unto my said deare wife Anne Bove to her own use and thother money unto my said daughter Judith Bennet and such of her childrenas shalbe then liveing oart and part alike

ITEM I give more unto my said wife all and every the bedding Linnen brasse pewter goods and householdstuffe whatsoever nowe remaining and being within and belonging to my dwellin house in Chelsey in the County of Middx And as for and concerningall that my moyety or halfe part of the Mannor of fflaxley and Deane parke with their appurtenances in the Countie of Gloucester, and all that the ?Scite of the late dissolved Monastry of fflaxley or Mannor house of fflaxley with the messuages Lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging scituate lyeing and being in or neare the parish of fflaxley in the said Countie of Gloucester and all other my messuages lands Tenements and hereditaments with their appurtenances whatsoever scituate lyeing and being in the severall parishes Towneshipps villages hamletts or feilds of fflaxley Little Deane Rxxdeane and ?Newnham or elsewhere in the County of Gloucester I give and devise the same moyety of the said Mannor and of the said ?Scite and allother my said Land Tenem:ts and hereditaments with thappurtenances unto my foresaid Wife Anne Boeve. Nicholas Corsellis thelder, Luke Lucie, jacob Lucie and my said servant James Williamson of London merchants and their heires and assignes for ever. Upon this speciall trust and confidence nevertheless That they the said Anne Boeve and Nicholas Corsellis Luke Lucie Jacob Lucie and james Williamson or the major part of them or the Survivors or Surivor of them or the heires of the Survivour of them shall sell the same Moyety of the said Mannor and ?Scite and all other the said Messuages Lands and premisses in the said County of Gloucester and every part therof to such person or persons as to them or the more part of them or es the survivors or survivor of them or the heires of theSurvivour of them shalbee thought meet. And upon further trust all and every such severall summes of moneyas shalbe raised or had by or out of the Sale therof or any part thereof and alsoe that therunto issues and profitts therof which shall arise or come up all or any the said premisses soe appointed to bee sold ?whatever the sale thereof shall from time to time bee paid to my Executrix and shall bee accompted as parcell of my personall estate and shall come bee paid and bee disposed of in such manner as my personall estate is or ought to bee, according to the intent and true meaningof this my last Will and Testament before declared And in order hereunto I will and desire that all ?persent that shall have or have any estate or interest of or in the said moiety of the said Mannor and ?Scite and other the said messuages Tenements hereditaments and premisses or any part thereof in trust for me or my heires shall from time to time xxxx and assure the ?same or (?said) premisses and every part thereof respectively to any person or persons that shall contract to buy the same and their heires or otherwise to such other persons or psons and their heires or Executors accordingly as my said wife Anne Boeve and the said Nicholas Corsellis Luke Lucie, Jacob Lucie and James Williamson or the more part of them or the Survivours or Survivour of them or the heires of the Survivour of them shall require and appoint the same or any part thereof And I doe nominate make and appoint my said wife Anne Boeve the full and the Executrix of this my last will and testament desireing her to performe the same in all thinges according to my true intent and meaning herein set forth and declared And I doe alsoe hereby appoint my said wife to bee Guardian to my said sonne and daughter Mary and to have the education and maintenance of them and to dispose putt out and imploy their said Legacyes and


porcons for their best benefitt and advantage and upon their ?adventure dureing their minorities or untill the same shall bee due and payable as aforesaid (if shee my said wife shall soe long live and continue a widow) But in case of my said wifes death or marriage againe, then I doe hereby committ my said children to the Guardianshipp of the said Nicholas Corsellis, Luke Lucie Jacob Lucie and James Williamson, whom I doe hereby alsoe nominate and appoint to bee Overseers of this my last Will and Testament desiring them and every of them to bee ayding and assisting unto my Executrix in the xxxx of thsi my said Testament with their best advice and councell. And I doe further will That they my said Overseers from and after my said wifes death or remarriage as aforesaid shall forthwith have and bee possessed of my said childrens porcions and proceed thereof and in Specialties deeds writeings and Accompts concerneing the same and xxx xxx henceforth have the managing disposeing and putting forth thereof for the best benefitt and profitt of my said children, and upon their Adventure dureing their respective minorities or untill their porcions shall become due and payable by and according to the true meanining of their pxxxx. And I give to the said Nicholas Corsellis, Luke Lucie and Jacob Lucie for their paines therein to bee taken to every of them Twenty pounds a peece in money, and to the said James Williamson (over and above the former Legacie) Ten pounds in money

AND concerning the disposion of all and singular my Messuages Tenements and hereditaments with their and every of their appurtenances scitiuate lyeingand being in Chelsey in the County of Middx I dispose thereof as followeth. That is to say I give and devise all the same Messuages Lands and Tenements with Appurtenances and every part thereof unto the said Anne Boeve my wifefor and dureing the Terme of her naturall life And from and after her decease Then I give and devise the same my said Sonne John Boeve and to his heires and assignes for ever And I doe hereby utterly revoke and make void all former wills and Testaments by me heretofore made And my will is that this shall stand and bee as and in my very last will and Testament and none other nor otherwise

IN WITNES whereof I the said William Boeve have hereunto sett my hand and Seale XXX the day and yeare first abovewritten xx

William Boeve the Testator

These psents being written in nine sheetes of paper were by the abovenamed William Boeve the Testator signed sealed published and declared as and for his very last Will and Testament the day and yeare first abovewritten In the presence of Theodore ?Picdieti Dr Mxxxx John Sparks Fra:Shepherd Scr.



EEIC, 1644-1649

Richard Batson was involved with East Indies trade as well as with the West Indies. In 1649 his name was included on a letter addressed to the Governor and Committees for the Fourth Joint Stock. The complete list of names was: "John Robinson, Nicholas Corsellis, William Pennoyer, Thomas Hall, Robert Thompson, Samuel Pennoyer, William Harris, Richard Batson, Michael Davison, William Thomson, John Woods, Martin Noell, Cornelius Mounteney, James Houbolon, John Casier, Adam Laurence, Hugh Norris, William Boene [CSG: I suspect this is an error for William Boeve], Thomas Harris, and Ahasuerus Regemont"[2]

- Four of these twenty names are of apparent Dutch or French Huegenott origin (Corsellis Regemont, Houbolon, Boeve,

=EEIC 1650-1654

"Nicholas Corsellis transfers to Maurice Thomson 600/. adventure and profits in the Second General Voyage and William Bovey transfers to Natahn Wright 500/. adventure and profits in the same."[3]

Possible primary sources

  1. Abraham Bush was a subscriber to the Smirna Venture Joint Stock in 1653
  2. 'A Meeting of the Committees for the Second General Voyage, August 17, 1649' (Court Book vol. xxii, p. 97) in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of the court minutes of the East India Company, 1644-1649 (Oxford, 1912), pp. 342-343
  3. 'A Court of Committees for the Fourth Joint Stock, March 8, 1650' (Court Book. vol. xx. p. 502), in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1650-1654 (Oxford, 1913?, pp. 27-28