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HCA 13/72 f.421v Annotate
First transcribed 13 November 2013  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 421  +
Parent volume HCA 13/72  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 13/11/2013  +
Transcription wyne and other her sayd ladeing aboard herwyne and other her sayd ladeing aboard her seized by two<br /> men of warr Commissionated (as their Captaines Jacob Bola[?r]t and<br /> John Van Sluce and their Companyes gave out) by the King of Spaine<br /> for seizure of the shipps and goods of the subiects of the Common<br /> wealth of England which men of warr as their sayd Captaines and<br /> Companyes affirmed belonged to dunkirke and Ostend And hee saith<br /> the sayd Captaines and their Companyes haveing soe seized the sayd<br /> shipp ''Mary and Joyce'' and the sayd five pipes of wine aboard her and<br /> other her ladeing carried her and her sayd ladeing into the Groyne<br /> in Galisia And further to these articles hee cannot of certayne<br /> knowledge depose for that hee was goen from the Groyne before<br /> the wines claymed or any of them were taken out of the ''Mary''<br /> ''and Joyce'' and put aboard the ''Elizabeth'' hee this deponent and others<br /> of his Company getting passage thence in a fflemish shipp for<br /> Rotchell But saith hee verily beleeveth divers of the wines<br /> laden aboard the ''Mary and Joyce'' at Oratava aforesayd the<br /> tyme aforesayd, and amongst the rest the five pipes of wine=<br /> soe there laden aboard her by the sayd Perez marked as afore-<br /> sayd were put aboard the ''Elizabeth'' arlate and shee surprized with<br /> them aboard her by some shipp belonging to the Commonwealth<br /> of England for that hee coming from Rotchell to London<br /> sawe lyeing in the River of Thames a shipp called the ''Elizabeth''<br /> and having aboard her many pipes of Canarie wynes<br /> marked with the very same markes as the wines laden aboard<br /> the ''Mary and Joyce'' at Oratava were at their ladeing there marked<br /> with and among others some pipes of Canarie wyne marked<br /> with the same marke as the sayd five pipes laded there<br /> as aforesayd by the sayd Perez were at the tyme of such their<br /> ladeing there marked with videlicet with the marke mentioned in<br /> the bill of ladeing in this cause exhibited and in the sixth article<br /> of the allegation but how many hee now remembreth not And therefore verily beleeveth the sayd<br /> pipes hee soe sawe in the ''Elizabeth'' in the River of Thames<br /> were and are the very same pipes of wyne soe laden by<br /> the sayd Perez as aforesayd at Oratava aboard the ''Mary and''<br /> ''Joyce'' and seized in her as aforesayd by the sayd two Spanish<br /> men of warr or some of them This hee deposeth for that hee tooke notice of the<br /> markes of the sayd pipes as they were among other wines unladeing<br /> out of the ''Elizabeth'' in the River of Thames into lighters to bee<br /> broughts into lighters to bee<br /> brought  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_121_11_5168.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_121_11_5168.JPG|[[:HCA 13/72|HCA 13/72]] f.421v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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