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HCA 13/68 f.415v Annotate
First transcribed 6 March 2018  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 415  +
Parent volume HCA 13/68  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 06/03/2018  +
Transcription To the seventh article of the sayd allegatTo the seventh article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that<br /> by reason of the premisses over and besides the losses of this deponent aforesayd which<br /> amount to three thousand one hundred thirty one pounds sterling<br /> Hee this deponent hath suffered other hreat losses that is to say<br /> the summe of 600 ''li'' sterling for the freight of merchants goods<br /> laden aboard the sayd shipp the tyme aforesayd. and 115 ''li'' sterling<br /> over and above the moneyes before mentioned spent upon him selfe<br /> and shipps Company att Copenhagen and travelling home for<br /> England. and in losse of ymployment for himselfe and sayd<br /> shipp for 15 monethes att 50 ''li'' sterling per moneth the sayd shipp<br /> being well worth 50 ''li'' sterling per moneth; the summe of eight hundred<br /> and forty pounds sterling over and besides the value of his [?liberty]<br /> ammd wounding, and losse of improvement of his stock which<br /> he cannot certainly value. And that his sayd Mariners have<br /> besides their sayd former dammages amounting to 184 ''li''. 12 ''s''. sterling<br /> have suffered other dammage in losse of improvement of their stock<br /> and otherwise to a good value the certainty whereof hee cannot sett<br /> forth. And otherwise cannot depose. John Harrison [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] *************** The 29th day of december <u>1653.</u> [CENTRE HEADING] The Keepers et cetera against the sylver in the}<br /> ''Crowne Imperiall''} Examined upon the sayd alleagtion '''3''' '''Sivart Goodeman''' of Wismire in Swethland<br /> Mariner Captaine and master of the ''Sampson''<br /> of Wismire aged 38 yeares or thereabouts a<br /> wittnes sworne and examined deposeth and saith<br /> as followeth videlicet To the sayd allegation and schedule thereto annexed and bills of lading<br /> therein mentioned and now shewne him This deponent saith that being<br /> att Cadiz in October last past with his sayd shipp the ''Sampson'' of Wismire<br /> which came from Norwey laden with deales for accompt of<br /> Generall Wrangell Antonio Rhyne Chell and Company all<br /> Swethlanders did there as master and merchant being intrusted<br /> by the sayd Generall Wrangel Antonio Rhyne Chell and Company being<br /> Owners likewise of the said shipp the ''Sampson'' for manageing the sayd<br /> shipp and her lading, sell the foresayd deales for three thousand<br /> peices of eight, which he receyved of the merchants att Cadiz that bought<br /> the same. And saith that about the 21th day of the sayd moneth of October<br /> he this deponent did in his owne person lade aboard the arlate shipp<br /> the ''Crowne Imperiall'' Hans Meyners skipper then riding att anchor<br /> neere Cadiz part of the sayd moneyes that is to say one thousand peices<br /> of eight in value being nyne hundred peices of 8/8 in species<br /> and 100 Ryxdollars, all in one bagg marked as in the margent<br /> the same being the marke of his seale that he constantly weares<br /> about him, for the accompt of him this deponent being Syvert<br /> Gordeman of Wismire schedulat and his Owner that is to say the sayd generall<br /> Wrangell of Stockhollen. Anthonio Rhyne Chell of Stockhollen and<br /> [?Hendreck]of Stockhollen and<br /> [?Hendreck]  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_117_07_0389.jpg|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_117_07_0389.jpg|[[:HCA 13/68|HCA 13/68]] f.415v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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